About us

Justsaytheword is one of number of internet and communications businesses operated by Cameron Hardy Limited. Established in North London in 2003, Cameron Hardy offers a range of internet, email, communications and consultancy services for individuals, small/medium-sized businesses and not-for-profit organisations.

We have worked on a diverse range of projects for organsaitions throughout the UK and overseas in Africa, the Middle East and the EU. Justsaytheword is the latest venture aiming to build on many years of communication and business/formal writing experience gained largely in the world of investment banking.

The group was set up by Robin Hardy ten years ago following his decision to leave the investment banking industry and strike out in a new direction. Ten years later the group has worked on over 70 website projects from very small single page 'business card' sites right through to major e-commerce sites selling from that 20,000 product lines.

Justsaytheword aims to help individuals and businesses to improve written communication as this is such an important part of creating the right impression in reports, applications, statements, press-releases and wesbites or anything that requires precise, concise and readable written material.

What's it all about

Good writing is harder than it looks: it's not just a matter of good grammer and accurate spelling. In our professional lives some of us have to read a great deal of turgid, laboured or un-engaging written work from colleagues, contractors or pupils. This can be a real drain.

We think that is very good practice to make life easier for your readers; we are all much happier reading something that is well written. So, we aim to help you make a better impression while at the same time giving the reader an easier time.